
建筑师说 | EMBT事务所·塔格里亚布

对话B.T.的 ArchiWorld世界之旅 2022-04-21



“What we really do as architects was kind of 

making an adventure of possibilities of better aspects for humanity”


We’re trying to make an architecture, which is as powerful and beautiful as natural landscape. 



“In terms of product, I think you need to have one 

kind of information that maybe architect don’t have.”




“How do we make cities, big cities and the surroundings work well with the movement of 

people and with the association of people. 

All of these are something we have to keep in mind.”

建筑师说 | 本期对话建筑师:塔格里亚布

▼ 塔格里亚布

普利兹克奖评委,Miralles Tagliabue EMBT建筑事务所创始人、主持建筑师,哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学等知名建筑院校客座教授,米拉莱斯基金会主席


▼ 苏格兰议会大厦

▼ 圣卡特琳娜市场

▼ 上海世博会西班牙馆

▼ 圣贾科莫教堂


Topic 1 · EMBT

EMBT建筑事务所由米拉莱斯(Enric Miralles,1955 - 2000)和塔格里亚布(Benedetta Tagliabue)创立于1994年。






▲ EMBT事务所

Q1. As an international acknowledged studio, EMBT has been pioneering in the fields of architecture, public spaces and urban design for nearly 30 years. What is the original intention of founding EMBT?

I think the origin was, I was a young architect, and I met young architects in Italy and Spain, and we had a real passion, which was architecture. Architecture in Italy and Spain is very complete. 

Let’s say, in the ’60s in Italy, we designed from the city to the spoon. It was kind of mortal, but it was very interesting to explain that our wishes as architects were to make a better world in every aspect, every sense. 

When I met Enric Miralles, we were kind of in love with our profession. It was really something we loved to do. We started this adventure. What we really do as architects was kind of making an adventure of possibilities of better aspects for humanity, so it was very nice because it was from our home, our drawing room, offering something to the world.





▲ 米拉莱斯与塔格里亚布


Q2. EMBT has accumulated rich experiences in projects of different types and scales. During your practice, are there any ideas that must be persisted?

Yes. For example, one day I was travelling with my late husband Enric Miralles. I was in train. I was looking outside. Italy’s landscape is very beautiful, and I was in love with what I was seeing. I said, “You know, Enric, we will be never able to do an architecture as powerful and beautiful as the landscape I see from the windows now.” 

And he stopped me. He said, “Benedetta, you’ve just said what will be your work for all your life.” And I believe this is real. We’re trying to make an architecture, which is as powerful and beautiful as natural landscape. This is something you cannot say, I do it in one project, and next project I will do something different. It is a real effort. We are still work for that.




▲ 圣卡特琳娜市场建造过程


Q3.EMBT believes that the design process must be a collaborative effort between the clients and the designers. Would you like to share some successful cases that you and your clients achieved the desired solution together?


I think the process of collaboration is really pleasant in every project. It’s difficult to say which one is an example, but I think we choose to have this collaborated project process, because it’s very important. Also, it’s very good fun. In a way I love to meet people during the process of our project. I love to be in contact, and I love to learn, because when you are in contact with someone different from you, you can learn so many things. 

I remember every project we have been doing, like learning experience. For example, the Scottish Parliament was an incredible learning experience. The market Santa Caterina was more than incredible, because we were really in contact with every piece of the city. It was incredible. The Spanish Pavilion for Shanghai Expo was a wonderful learning experience. I am very grateful, because that pavilion brought me in China. I am so happy to contact with such an incredible place like China.

Topic 2 · Projects






▲ EMBT事务所中的手作模型

Q4.Many architects once had the honor to visit your studio, and they were amazed by those handmade models. We think it’s great to insist on making models while the computers are developing rapidly. We were wondering if the models have any special meanings for your creativity.

When I started with Enric Miralles more than 30 years ago, we were doing by hands. We were especially good at drawing by hands and making crafted objects. I believe that is not something we can forget because we have new technology. The hand is the best tool for humans. We’ve been using it for thousands, thousands of years. Our brain is so connected with our hands. I think we cannot forget the connection with the world of creativity. That’s why we like to keep this way. We make sketches, make hand-made collage. We love to make hand-made models because it’s the way we enhance our creativity.




▲ 苏格兰议会大厦室内


Q5.During the course of modernism,Japanese architects learnt from western theory as well as kept the local identity. Are there any experiences you would like to share about this?

Yes, all the time. Many times people were not fully understanding what you were proposing. We were drawing in a very creative way, in a way which people were not understanding. You know, the one line for drawing all the reality. It’s a kind of code. This is a very sophisticated code. Architects can understand it, but not everybody. We try our best to explain our architecture. 

We did many many lectures like this one I am giving you. We were little conscious that we have to try to explain more. Project is not only a set of drawings. It is much more. You need a kind of complete explanation, not only at the beginning, also doing in the complete process. Now I’ll make an example of what you are asking me. When we are in the office, we are enjoying very much. 

▲ 苏格兰议会大厦外部

Going to the drawing we did in 1993, nearly 30 years ago, it was a very beautiful drawing, very small construction, very complex. We were doing an exercise, putting one line drawing, plan, sections into a 3-D model. This is incredibly different, so everybody can understand more. Now we have more tools to understand each other, to understand the projects, and we were trying to use them more.




▲ EMBT事务所的木灯

Q6.In addition to architecture, EMBT has also designed products. What do you think are the main differences and similarities between designing "a big house" and "a small product"?

In terms of product, I think you need to have one kind of information that maybe architect don’t have. You need to have the information on what is sold today in the market. Generally, when we architects do bigger projects, we have longer time in our mind. We are not influenced by fashions, but you must know what is the latest production and what is the latest thing. 

For example, we recently design a wooden lamp, and it was very important to have the knowledge of the producer. It was a very beautiful process, because we were proposing a lot of things, but among these things, the client knew what would be easy to sell. This is something I don’t know.

Topic 3 · Urban Design






▲ 卡利达圣保罗癌症中心

Q7.What do you think could be some feasible approaches to be made in order to enhance the happiness of a city through architecture, landscape and public space practices, just as the Santa Caterina Market in Barcelona?

The word happiness is subtle in a way. Architects don’t really use it so much, but it’s very important, because at the end what we are trying to do is to make the world better for human beings, which provides a better feeling, a wellness feeling, a kind of happiness. 

I think it’s time now to try to understand what is the human response to the environment, and how a place, a building and public space can make people feel happier. So now we are very much into that. We have a design, for example, a new medical center, which is a center for people who suffer cancer and can build there in a kind of moment to forget, a moment to relax. 

These places need to be very comfortable and need to make people feel that they can forget about problems. So we made a really investigation about that. We are trying. I think there is no one formula, but you can really ask yourself this question every time when you make a design, that is, is this place comfortable for people who will use it? This is something we are trying in every scale.





▲ 德国生物多样性中心(设计竞赛一等奖)


Q8.Both Barcelona and Beijing are historic cities. How do you reflect the value of historic buildings and organically integrate them into contemporary life?

Our first rule, when we work on a new project, usually is to try to find historical maps of different timings. It’s really a fantastic exercise, because if you find different times in the maps, then you overlap them. It’s like understanding transformation of places. We have in fact, only one person who can make this transformation in time. 

This gives a kind of perspective of what we work as architects, and also a kind of continuity, because you can try to understand what happened in time in some specific places. Some places are incredible in terms of history like Beijing. The history is incredibly strong, incredibly beautiful. You can really get inspired by that. 

Also, in Europe, in Spain, Italy, the history has a very very strong presence. We can be sometimes a little shy as architects who work in a historical place. But if you look at the evolution of places, of history, and you understand a little bit of that evolution, being architects, it can be a little easier.





▲ EMBT参加2011年国际园艺展览会,中国西安



Q9. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration (BTHI) is a strategic move and major urbanizing strategies from the central government to the local government. which nowadays shifting our priority of work. As we know that you have many related experiences in cities such as Milan, Paris and Barcelona. From your point of view, how can Beijing learn from European experiences in terms of urban clusters?

I think, as European architects, we can give our work experience from what we have learnt of transformation of a city. But I think in China, you have a much bigger challenge, because your cities are very big, and the number is bigger than that in Europe. The transformation you are going through now is really enormous compared with our transformation. 

I am kind of excited by participating in competition and projects here, because I have a feeling that we can try to apply what we know, but in the same time, we are in a very new position, a new situation in which we have to try altogether to make as positive as possible. Because it is very clear that Beijing and surrounding areas are going to be very dense and populated, with many people living there. The challenge is to make everybody happier, as we were saying, and make a more comfortable place. There is not one thing to apply. There are many things to apply. I think we are in the middle of the process, which is very exciting. Hope it will go in a fantastic way.


I think now the idea of new technology is helping in the comfort of people. Ecology, substantiality is being a key point, because we want energy to be used in the best way. I think this is the points we have to consider. Also, the way human beings are associated - how do we make cities, big cities and the surroundings work well with the movement of people and with the association of people. All of these are something we have to keep in mind.





Q10.Never than before, normality has threatened by uncertain public emergencies. How could architects and urbanists improve the resilience of cities?

The pandemic is such a special situation. It’s not very nice in the sense of city because most of the cities are not usable. But house becomes very important. The house is a very important place to be comfortable, and to be very nice, and where you feel well, because one day it can be like a prison, so you like it to be a very lovely prison. Hahaha. 

And it’s very important to have a house with materials that you love, with objects that make you feel happy, because the situation like the one we have been living can happen. But anyway, I hope soon we will be able to have public space offer to everybody again. For example, in Spain, we have houses where the rooftop is a big palace for everybody, so neighbors can go and make turns to go in this kind of more personal, more individual public space. I think that’s very important. So houses with public spaces, with exterior space, are very vital.

Topic 4 · Pritzker Prize

2014年塔格里亚布凭借“对当今最佳建筑的深入和国际知识”而入选成为普奖评委。普奖评审团主席Peter Palumbo形容塔格里亚布作为建筑师的杰出身份和对建筑历史的深刻了解对于陪审团的审议将是无价的。





▲ 塔格里亚布被选为普奖评委

Q11. You are the Pritzker Prize Jury for several years. I think many architects would like to learn, what are the most important characteristics for a Pritzker Prize laureate from your point of view?

In a way, the Pritzker Prize jury is a very enjoyable experience, because every member of the jury is a fantastic person. I have to tell you that they are such fantastic jury members. We go together and visit places. We make a big effort to find some time to be together. 

This is very nice, because you have someone next to you who is very good at criteria in architecture. Sometimes it’s not architecture because there are not only architects in the jury. But they are always special people. It is very nice to have a conversation about architecture with other people of that kind. 

I think mainly each one of us has an idea of what good architecture is. When we are together, we can mingle our ideas, our opinions, and always something new comes out. I don’t think it’s easy to say what we are looking forward. Each one is looking for the best. From the point of you, when we were together, always something different came out every time.




▲ 2020年普奖得主Yvonne Farrell和Shelley McNamara



▲ 利马大学校园

Q12. From the perspective of the Pritzker Prize awarding, what is the greatest social value of architecture?

The Pritzker Prize is adapting to the society. I think if you looked at the prize, in the past, what was very important at the moment maybe would not be the same today. The criteria have to be changing, while the society has to be changing. I think recently in the prize, we are kind of giving more importance, maybe, to social experimentation. For example, choosing Yvonne Farrell, it was clearly being conscious about how important it is to focus on every need, not only of a certain class or level, but of everyone. And being very social.

Also, when the RCR was chosen, it was of importance of being local and understanding how you can serve local community in the best way with the best quality. So every time we are kind of choosing architects who are interpreting in different ways the society. 

▲ 利马大学校园剖面图

Grafton is very surprised, and it is a disaster because in May they should have a wonderful ceremony. We will have it a little later because of the pandemic. They are also fantastic that women architects who are able to do spaces or learning to put people together in different and unexpected ways, so that they enhance this possibility of opening communities in different ways with the buildings. I think when we see the Lima building of Grafton, you will be very impressed.







Q13.Yvonne Farrall and Shelley McNamara are influential female architects around the world. What do you think is the biggest challenge for today’s women in architecture?

I think, the biggest challenge for women architects is to introduce our women capacities. In this profession which have been so usually giving to men in the past. You know, this profession is dealing with construction, which is a very hard thing to do with politics, with decision-making. Until very recently, it was very difficult for women to be part of that. 

But now, women have more possibilities to be architects to design. We have to introduce everything which was not so considered. One example is common sense, like or being able to think  about the society. I think we women are more able to think about family because in the past millennia women were the one who were really looking after the family. So we have to make architecture which is a little like that. There are still a lot to do in this sense.

Topic 5 · Education








Q14.In the teaching field, as a visiting professor at Harvard, Columbia University and Barcelona ETSAB, could you share some goals you ever expected your students to achieve?  

I always expect students to discover something, you know. Sometimes you think that you already know a lot of things as students, but it’s nice to push the students to go in a direction that maybe at the beginning they don’t like. And after a while, they discover something. It’s always a nice relationship between letting the other person offer you something. in the same time, push a little bit in another direction which is not so comfortable. From the non-comfort moment, it’s kind of learning experience. It’s a kind of nice game between being accepting and being pushing a little.





Q15. What are the big differences between today's architecture students compare the time while you were an architecture student?

Today's architecture students are able to manage many tools, drawing tools in a fantastic way. When we were in the ’90s, students had to learn how to draw in a way we keep the technic of drawings in our hands. Now this is not so. Students have the capability of managing computer programs and doing fantastic results.


But architecture is not the only to make fantastic results. It’s also about thinking in the right way, using the right language in the right moment. Put your mind in what you are doing. This is a great difference.



学生必须时刻谨记自己的目标,我所理解的目标总会是为人们创造更美好的世界,像Alison Smithson 和Peter Smithson就有这样的理念,Alison常说你离开一个地方的时候起码不能让它比你来的时候更糟,这句话很有讽刺意义,也是我们需要努力的方向之一,我们必须为变得更好而不断努力。

▲ Alison Smithson 和Peter Smithson

Q16. If there are a few words you'd like to share with today’s architecture students, what would that be?

They have to keep in mind what is their main goal. I think the main goal is always to make a better world and better for people, so it’s very simple. Usually we had in our mind an architect like the couple Alison Smithson and Peter Smithson. She was always saying at least please don’t leave the place worse than you have found it. She was very British. She is very sarcastic. This is a little effort we have to do. We have to make transformation towards going better.





Q1. It is not an easy way to be an architect. We’ve collected some questions from the audience and selected two questions. The first one is, you have been enthusiastic in many international architectural activities in addition to the Pritzker Prize. Based on your vision and experiences, how do you imagine the future of architecture and cities?

I have a very fantastic imagination. Cities which can work with less energy, which can be cleaner, which can provide by a kind of small communities even if there are enormous well-communicated ones. Human beings can have space where they can feel comfortable because it’s full of green and it’s given this kind of comfortable feeling where you can meet people in a peaceful way. 

But in the same time, you can move very fast, very easily and arrive at other communities. I think this is something we have to try altogether. I think when I do a new competition, this idea is very present and also is the base from the client. I think this is something everybody looks forward.




▲ 西班牙馆内部

Q2. The second question is: your projects, for example, the Spanish Pavilion at 2010 Shanghai World Expo, always present interesting facades. Are there any approaches you would like to share with us in this aspect?

In the case of Spanish Pavilion, in a way it’s one material façade, so it’s kind of easy. But the material is a very special one. We very much like to investigate on materials and to invent new ways of using them. 

For example, in the building we built in Barcelona, the calider Center (39’38) from the magi network. This has a ceramic façade. We are trying to use ceramic in a cheap way, but also in a very elaborate way, because this is also traditional Catalonian and I want this tradition to be extended and experimented. I think we are now interested in designing facades and in new ways of using materials.




What is the secret of being happy. I think everybody wants to know the answer. We are having a fantastic conversation with you and we see the positive from you.

I think I should ask you. In China you have millions of secrets of being happy. For example, many days I have many possibilities of going to parks and practice Tai Ji in the park. It’s one of ways of trying to be harmonious and happy. This comes from China. 

I believe we have to look after ourselves very much and try to be happy, peaceful, and be in a harmonious state. It’s a very important thing to look after. It’s something like looking after your own body, you have to take a shower maybe every day and brush your teeth. Maybe we have to do the same for our soul. We have to look after it and do something to help us to feel happier and appreciate our life more fully. 



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